▫️ Time flies like an arrow. (en) ⠀
▫️ 光陰矢のごとし (hiragana: こういんやのごとし)。 (jp)⠀
▫️ Час летить, мов стріла. (ukr)⠀
You know, this picture illustrates the saying very well. It was taken two months ago. Seasons have changed, now it’s cold autumn. Leaves changed their colour and fall from trees. However, the feeling is that the photoshoot was just yesterday!
It’s so important to remember that if you’ve made a decision to change your lifestyle, to follow mindful nutrition, healthy lifestyle, to make a good habit – the time is now! And the other thing is that not to make any damage to health, you have to begin with little steps towards your goals. So the longer you keep doing, the better result is!
Remember also the other proverb that says “No pain, no gain!”
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💭 ⁉️ Do You agree with this proverb (Kotowaza in Japanese) that time goes by, no matter what? So if you want to make changes in your life, the time is now! What do you think? 🤔
📝 Keep in mind that this isn’t a word by word translation, but close to the meaning proverbs in English, Japanese and Ukrainian. 💮 ⠀
👉 Lilka Sky @lilka.sky ^.~ ❤️
Tradition.Nutrition.Cuisine. ^.~ ❤
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